
During 2000 and 2001, nine sites were drilled into for paleoenvironmental and chronological data. Due to the impossibility to drill the towers, the works were restricted mainly to the adjacent huts near the nuraghi. In most cases, radiocarbon and materials offered chronologies linked to the nearby nuraghi, i.e. Sutta e'Corongiu (Middle Bronze Age), Is Cangialis (Middle and Late Bronze Age), Gasoru (Late and Final Bronze Age), Martingiana (Late Bronze Age and Late-Final Bronze Age transition) and Perda Utzei (Final Bronze Age). The drill adjacent to Fonte Fossada nuraghe just offered bad preserved Roman occupation remains. Only two drills were made directly into a nuraghe: drill A in Gasoru and the drill in Pranu Illixi (a corridor nuraghe), whose recovered materials belong to a ritual reutilization of this monument at the beginning of the Iron Age. At the nuragic settlement of Su Putzu several drills were conducted; one of them provided important data and a prehistoric chronology (Final Bronze Age). Moreover, a systematic looted Giants' tomb (Stessei) was excavated, recovering materials only from the robbing mound (Final Bronze Age). -At nuraghe Sutta e'Corungiu, located in the edge of the Flumendosa gorge, no structures were found, although some charcoals and diagnostic materials dated the settlement in the Middle Bronze Age. -At nuraghe Is Cangialis, a hut with a round plant was chosen. It was perceptible from the surface and adjacent to one of the nuraghe's towers. Around the drill, some Middle Bronze Age and Roman Republican materials appeared; inside the drill, two levels were documented inside the hut -one with a long sitting bank- belonging to the Middle and Late Bronze Age respectively. -At nuraghe Gasoru, some drills were made in the nuraghe's entrance and a near round hut. The entrance's drill (Gasoru A) showed two levels: a Late Roman reoccupation and a Nuragic level belonging to Later Bronze Age. The hut (Gasoru B) had two use levels. The upper one, with a long sitting bank and a rubefacted clay pavement, belongs to the Final Bronze Age, whereas the lower one, with a pebble and treaded-earth floor, chronologically corresponds to the Nuragic level of drill A (Later Bronze Age). Over the pavement, a heap of crushed pottery in primary position appeared. -Near the Martingiana nuraghe, a round hut with a large ortostato wall and a long sitting bank was drilled into. This structure also showed two occupation episodes, the more ancient one chronologically dated to the Later Bronze Age and the upper one to a transitional moment between the Later and Final Bronze Age. -In the surroundings of the Stessei nuraghe, located in the Flumendosa basin, a Giants' tomb was excavated, but it had been intensively looted to base-rock. In the robbing mound some pottery fragments belonging to Final Bronze Age were recovered. -Perda Utzei is a complex nuraghe with a large village enclosed by a wall. A hut with a typical ortostato round structure and a storage chamber close to the entrance, similar to the one in Su Putzu, was drilled into. The chronology for the only occupation level is Final Bronze Age. Perda Utzei and Pranu Illixi are the only sites recovered on the other side of Flumendosa, in Escalaplano. -Su Putzu is a settlement located in the nearby area ofArrubiu. It has a small single-towered nuraghe and a sacred well excavated decades ago by Lilliu. Several huts were drilled into offering either atypical Roman or amorphous Nuragic materials. The surroundings of the well were also excavated without further results. The drill in a complex plant hut found in the village limits, however, offered enough materials and charcoal to date this only level as Final Bronze Age. The hut showed an ortostato wall -like the ones in Martingiana and Perda Utzei-, a storage chamber and a niche in the wall. -Pranu Illixi is an Early Bronze Age corridor nuraghe with later added structures. In the main structure, near a looted pit, a drill was made discovering a ritual deposit.

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