
The presence of the gobiid Lesueurigobius sanzoi in the Benguela upwelling region was recorded for the first time from the capture of five adult specimens in 1980. This paper presents evidence that this region can be included in the species distribution range. It also presents the first description of the larval series and juveniles, together with a morphometric study of the larval stages and a comparative study of the characters differentiating larvae of this species from those of Nematogobius bibarbatus, the dominant gobiid in the region. The smallest stages of the larvae of these two species are distinguished by their pigmentation patterns, the larger stages by the number of fin rays. Information on the geographical and depth distribution of Lesueurigobius sanzoi larvae is also included. This species spawns on the northernmost part of the Namibian continental shelf in autumm. The larval distribution area is associated with the warmer waters of the Angola Current.

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