
In this article, we utilize machine learning to dynamically determine if a point on the computational grid requires implicit numerical dissipation for large eddy simulation (LES). The decision making process is learnt through a priori training on quantities derived from direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. In particular, we compute eddy-viscosities obtained through the coarse-graining of DNS quantities and utilize their projection onto a Gaussian distribution to categorize areas that may require dissipation. If our learning determines that closure is necessary, an upwinded scheme is utilized for computing the non-linear Jacobian. In contrast, if it is determined that closure is unnecessary, a symmetric and second-order accurate energy and enstrophy preserving Arakawa scheme is utilized instead. This results in a closure framework that precludes the specification of any model-form for the small scale contributions of turbulence but deploys an appropriate numerical dissipation from explicit closure driven hypotheses. This methodology is deployed for the Kraichnan turbulence test-case and assessed through various statistical quantities such as angle-averaged kinetic energy spectra and vorticity structure functions. Our framework thus establishes a link between the use of explicit LES ideologies for closure and numerical dissipation-based modeling of turbulence leading to improved statistical fidelity of a posteriori simulations.

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