
基于中国太湖梅梁湾东部的无锡市滨湖区河网29个监测点在丰水期、平水期和枯水期的流速和水质监测数据,将河网分为梁溪河、曹王泾、骂蠡港、城市河网南区以及城市河网北区5个区域,对流速和典型水质指标的时空异质性进行分析,结合主成分分析和相关性分析,得到各区域水动力与水质现状及其成因.结果显示:梁溪河和曹王泾的水质条件和水动力条件较好,多数水质因子与流速表现出了强相关性;骂蠡港的水质和流速区域变化明显,表现弱相关性;城市河网北区和南区的流速较缓,河道污染负荷较大,流速与水质因子之间的相关性较低.通过在滨湖河网开展流速和水质的野外监测,分析流速对于河网水环境的实际效果,验证不同水质指标与流速之间的响应关系,为滨湖河网区水质保护和科学的水污染治理技术提供基础支撑.;Based on the flow velocity and water quality monitoring data in three periods: flood season, dry season and normal season from 29 river network monitoring stations in Wuxi Binhu region, which is located in eastern part of Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu in China, the river network can be divided into five regions. After analyzing the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of flow velocity and the typical water quality indexes and combining the principal component and correlation analysis, the current situation and causes of different regional hydrodynamic and water quality can be understood. The results show that the water quality and hydrodynamic conditions in Liangxi River and Caowangjing River are good, and most of the water quality factors show strong correlation with the flow rate. The regional variation of water quality and flow velocity in Mali Port is obvious, showing weak correlation. In the north and south of the urban river network, the flow rate is slow, the river pollution load is heavy, and the correlation between the flow rate and water quality factors is low. Through the field monitoring of flow velocity and water quality in the Binhu River network, the actual effects of flow velocity on the water environment of the river network can be analyzed, and the response relationship between different water quality indexes and flow velocity have been verified, which provides basic support for the water quality protection and scientific water pollution treatment technology in the Binhu River network area. Thus, it is of great significance to improve the water ecological environment.

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