
In 2020, WHO included dengue as a global health threat among 10 other diseases. This is also a problem in Indonesia, especially the province of West Java. Based on data from the Ministry of Health for 2022, West Java is the largest contributor to cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Indonesia. The spread of dengue fever is through mosquitoes, but climate also greatly influences the spread of this disease. The spread of West Java is quite wide, consisting of 27 city districts and a relatively high population density. This greatly influences the increase in the number of dengue fever cases. In this research, we will group years with the same dengue fever cases and identify groups of districts/cities in West Java with the same pattern of dengue fever cases for 2016 to 2021. The results obtained are that 2016 is the group with the highest number of cases. Meanwhile, from 27 city districts in West Java, three groups were obtained. Group 1 is the group with the highest number of cases consisting of Sukabumi City, Bandung City, Cimahi City, Depok City, Tasikmalaya City.

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