
Angiogenesis is a morphogenic process resulting in the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, usually in hypoxic micro-environments. The initial steps of angiogenesis depend on robust differentiation of oligopotent endothelial cells into the Tip and Stalk phenotypic cell fates, controlled by NOTCH-dependent cell–cell communication. The dynamics of spatial patterning of this cell fate specification are only partially understood. Here, by combining a controlled experimental angiogenesis model with mathematical and computational analyses, we find that the regular spatial Tip–Stalk cell patterning can undergo an order–disorder transition at a relatively high input level of a pro-angiogenic factor VEGF. The resulting differentiation is robust but temporally unstable for most cells, with only a subset of presumptive Tip cells leading sprout extensions. We further find that sprouts form in a manner maximizing their mutual distance, consistent with a Turing-like model that may depend on local enrichment and depletion of fibronectin. Together, our data suggest that NOTCH signaling mediates a robust way of cell differentiation enabling but not instructing subsequent steps in angiogenic morphogenesis, which may require additional cues and self-organization mechanisms. This analysis can assist in further understanding of cell plasticity underlying angiogenesis and other complex morphogenic processes.

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