
Sandy beaches in estuaries and bays (BEBs) are ubiquitous around the world. While some are referred to as “low energy” beaches, there are large differences in wave climate due to fetch, swell exposure and shoreface morphology. In this study, wave-climate controls on BEB morphology are identified relative to bay geometry and focusing on the relative contributions of wind, ocean swell and infragravity waves to the wave signature of a BEB. We focus on two swash-aligned and two drift-aligned BEBs in an urbanized, semi-enclosed bay in SE Australia (Kamay/Botany Bay), with differences in proximity to the bay mouth, beach aspects and fetch, as well as different histories of storm erosion and recovery. Spectral analysis of local wave measurements (June 2018–January 2019) shows that wave signatures at all 4 BEBs are dominated by swell waves (>51%), followed by locally generated wind waves at 3 out of 4 BEBs (<43%), then infragravity waves (<35%). We identified five weather scenarios based on local wind speed/direction and resultant wind waves, combined with infragravity waves, and offshore swell wave conditions. BEBs close to the bay entrance are primarily controlled by swell waves, but at times even BEBs close to the entrance can be sheltered from swell waves depending on their incident angle. Conversely, BEBs farthest from the bay entrance (~8 km) alternated between periods where spectra were dominated by either wind waves or offshore swells. Infragravity waves were only important relative to wind waves and swell at the most sheltered BEBs, where there is limited fetch and swell dissipated over shallow areas. We also show that anthropogenic factors such as constructed revetments or groynes significantly alter wave signatures at BEBs in this bay. Thus, wave spectral signatures are highly variable across BEBs in the same bay and can represent a simple tool to study BEB morphodynamics including storm response and subsequent recovery.

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