The goal of the present paper is to analyze the spatial-temporal variability of ice edge location in the Eastern Arctic seas of Russia (the Laptev, East-Siberian and Chukchi Seas) in late summer (August-September) during the period from 1981 to 2018, as well as to estimate the multi-year changes taking place in the 21st century. The special archive containing the information on latitude position of ice edge at the meridians between the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago and Alaska was developed; the data of AARI (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute) specialized observations and satellite images were used.The inter-annual variability of ice edge position in the total area shows that the entire period 1981–2018 consists of two significantly different parts: the interval from 1981 to 2001 with southern ice edge position (mean latitude in September comprised 74,9° N), and the interval from 2002 to 2018 with northern ice edge position (mean latitude 78,7° N). The difference between the extreme values of ice edge latitude at some meridians reached 9 degrees of latitude (about 1000 km).During the period from 2002 to 2018, the area of mostly active northward displacement of ice edge moved generally from east to west. From 2002 to 2010, the maximum northward displacement of ice edge was observed in the East-Siberian and Chukchi Seas; in 2007 the extreme northern position of ice edge was registered to the east of the New Siberia Archipelago (mean latitude comprised 84,0° N). However, during 2011–2018, the maximum northward displacement of ice edge was observed in the Laptev Sea; in 2014 the extreme northern position of ice edge was registered to the west of the New Siberia Archipelago (mean latitude comprised 84,5° N).Typologically, the displacement of ice edge from south to north during the period from 2001–2018 looks like a wave; its crest and sole drift from the Chukchi Sea toward the Laptev Sea. Within the period from 2007 to 2010, the ice edge displacement reached its maximum, and after this, during 2011–2015, the reverse motion from north to south began. One can forecast that within the nearest coming years the ice edge oscillatory southward drift would continue, and by the end of 2020-s one can expect the ice edge to have the position typical for the period 2002–2006.The author declares that he has no competing interests.
The inter-annual variability of ice edge position in the total area shows that the entire period 1981–2018 consists of two significantly different parts: the interval from 1981 to 2001 with southern ice edge position, and the interval from 2002 to 2018 with northern ice edge position
From 2002 to 2010, the maximum northward displacement of ice edge was observed in the East-Siberian and Chukchi Seas; in 2007 the extreme northern position of ice edge was registered to the east of the New Siberia Archipelago
During 2011–2018, the maximum northward displacement of ice edge was observed in the Laptev Sea; in 2014 the extreme northern position of ice edge was registered to the west of the New Siberia Archipelago
ПРОСТРАНСТВЕННОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ КРОМКИ ЛЬДОВ В АВГУСТЕ – СЕНТЯБРЕ В ВОСТОЧНЫХ МОРЯХ РОССИИ. Проведен анализ широтного положения кромки льдов в августе – сентябре в восточных морях Российской Арктики (Лаптевых, Восточно-Сибирском, Чукотском). С устойчиво южным положением кромки и 2002–2018 гг. Что режим пространственного смещения кромки на север отличается в западной и восточной части акватории, по разные стороны от Новосибирских оcтровов. Наибольшее смещение кромки на север наблюдалось в Чукотском и Восточно-Сибирском морях (максимум 2007 г.), а в течение 2011–2018 гг. Исходя из волновой природы колебательного изменения положения границы льдов, предполагается, что в течение 2020-х гг. Ключевые слова: Восточно-Сибирское море, кромка льдов в конце летнего периода, ледяной покров арктических морей России, многолетняя изменчивость ледовых условий, море Лаптевых, Чукотское море. Пространственное положение кромки льдов в августе – сентябре в восточных морях России в начале XXI в. SPATIAL LOCATION OF ICE EDGE IN AUGUST – SEPTEMBER IN THE RUSSIA’S EASTERN SEAS IN EARLY 21ST CENTURY
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