
In this paper were examined the distribution of the otter population on the right bank of the Danube River, between the settlements of Grindu (Cotu Pisicii) and Tulcea. The present work aims to present a case study, carried out between October 2019 and March 2022 in the floodplain (dyke - bank) of the Danube River (between the village of Grindu or Cotu Pisicii and the city of Tulcea) and the aquatic complex Somova - Parcheș. The investigated area presents two distinct types of habitat: the maritime Danube and the dike - bank flood zone and the Somova - Parcheș aquatic complex. Otter signs of presence (footprints, spraints anal jellies, prey) were recorded on 281 transects of 1200 m length using standard otter survey method. The study presents the distribution of signs of presence compared to the two types of habitats, but also aspects regarding the preference for the type of substrate used for defecation and the spatial distribution of the otter population.

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