
The position of Aceh coincides with the fault zone along the Bukit Barisan called Sumatran Fault. The Tripa Fault is marked by the mountainous area and the trajectory of the Kuala Tripa and Meureubo Rivers along 180 km. Tripa faults are categorized as active faults indicated by the occurrence of several destructive earthquakes in the region. One effort that can be done to reduce the negative impacts caused by the earthquake disaster is to make predictions by mapping the occurrence of earthquakes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the incidence of earthquakes in the Tripa Fault region of Aceh Province. The data used in this study are earthquake occurrence parameters in the Tripa Fault region from 1990-2017. The results obtained show that there is a global spatial autocorrelation between the magnitude of the occurrence of earthquakes in the region around the Tripa Fault in Aceh Province with several magnitudes of earthquake events having local spatial autocorrelation.

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