
Motion induced image artifacts have been the focus of many investigations for x-ray computed tomography (CT). Methodologies of combating patient motion include the use of gating devices to optimize the data acquisition, reduction in patient scan time via faster gantry rotation and large detector coverage, and the development of advanced reconstruction and post-processing algorithms to minimize motion artifacts. Previously proposed approaches are generally "global" in nature in that motion is characterized for the entire image. It is well known, however, that the presence of motion artifact in a CT image is highly nonuniform. When there is a lack of automated and quantitative local measure indicating the presence and the severity of motion artifacts in a local region, the quality of the reconstructed images depends heavily on the CT operator's rigor and experience. Even when an operator is informed of the presence of motion, little information is provided about the nature of the motion artifact to understand its relevance to the clinical task at hand. In this paper, we propose an image-space spatial- and temporal-consistency metric (CM) to detect and characterize the local motion. In a non-rigid human organ, such as the lung, there are many small and rigid objects (target objects), such as blood vessels and nodules, distributed throughout the organ. If motion can be characterized for these target objects, we obtain a complete motion map for the organ. To accomplish this, a preliminary image reconstruction is carried out to identify the target objects and establish region-of-interests for consistency-metric calculation. The CM is then obtained based on the backprojected intensity difference between the object region and its circular background. For a stationary object, the accumulation of this quantity over views is linear. When a target object moves, nonlinear behavior exhibits and a quantitative measure of linearity indicates the severity of motion. Extensive computer simulation was utilized to confirm the validity of the theory. These tests stress the sensitivity of the proposed CM to the target object size, object shape, in-plane motion, cross-plane motion, cone-beam effect, and complex background. Results confirm that the proposed approach is robust under different testing conditions. The proposed CM is further validated using a cardiac scan of a swine, and the proposed CM correlates well with the visual inspection of the artifact in the reconstructed images. In this paper, we have demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed CM for motion detection. Unlike previously proposed approaches where the consistency condition is derived for the entire image or the entire imaging volume, the proposed metric is well localized so that different zones in a patient anatomy can be individually characterized. In addition, the proposed CM provides a quantitative measure on a view-by-view basis so that the severity of motion is consistently estimated over time. Such information can be used to optimize the image reconstruction process and minimize the motion artifact.

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