
The Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) method is a powerful technique for feature extraction from multichannel neural activity and widely used in brain computer interface (BCI) applications. By linearly combining signals from all channels, it maximizes variance for one condition while minimizing for the other. However, the method overfits the data in presence of dense recordings and limited amount of training data. To overcome this problem we construct a sparse CSP (sCSP) method such that only subset of channels contributes to feature extraction. The sparsity is achieved by a greedy search based generalized eigenvalue decomposition approach with low computational complexity. Our contributions in this study are extension of the greedy search based solution to have multiple sparse filters and its application in a BCI problem. We show that sCSP outperforms traditional CSP in the classification challenge of the multichannel ECoG data set of BCI competition 2005. Furthermore, it achieves nearly similar performance as infeasible exhaustive search and better than that of obtained by LI norm based sparse solution.

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