Aspect terms extraction and opinion terms extraction are two key problems of fine-grained Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA). The aspect-opinion pairs can provide a global profile about a product or service for consumers and opinion mining systems. However, traditional methods can not directly output aspect-opinion pairs without given aspect terms or opinion terms. Although some recent co-extraction methods have been proposed to extract both terms jointly, they fail to extract them as pairs. To this end, this paper proposes an end-to-end method to solve the task of Pair-wise Aspect and Opinion Terms Extraction (PAOTE). Furthermore, this paper treats the problem from a perspective of joint term and relation extraction rather than under the sequence tagging formulation performed in most prior works. We propose a multi-task learning framework based on shared spans, where the terms are extracted under the supervision of span boundaries. Meanwhile, the pair-wise relations are jointly identified using the span representations. Extensive experiments show that our model consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods.
Fine-grained aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) or opinion mining is a field of study that analyzes people’s detailed insights towards a product or service
Since we formulate our problem as a joint term and relation extraction task, we compare with a joint entity and relation extraction method Joint Entity and Relation Extraction (JERE)-MHS
We report F1 scores that measure the performance of our model and all the compared methods respectively for the three subtasks: Aspect terms (AT) extraction, opinion terms (OT) extraction, and pair-wise relation extraction
Fine-grained aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) or opinion mining is a field of study that analyzes people’s detailed insights towards a product or service. A new research focus, which aims at co-extracting the aspect and opinion terms (Wang et al, 2016, 2017; Li and Lam, 2017; Wang and Pan, 2018; Yu et al, 2019), has drawn increasing attention in both academia and industry. Such methods use joint models and have achieved great progress on both subtasks. As the example sentence shown, (service, great), (prices, great) and (atmosphere, nice friendly) are three aspect-opinion pairs. The co-extraction methods can only output the AT set {service, prices, atmosphere} and the OT set {great, nice friendly} jointly
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