
The previously reported activity of benzyladenine and selected other cytokinin analogs to increase pod set in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) was further investigated to define the structure-activity relationship and evaluate the effects of the cytokinins on yield parameters. Enhancement of pod set was found to be greatest with N-6 saturated alkyl substituted analogs, and was only weakly associated with activity in a callus growth bioassay. The response of yield parameters to increasing pod load was evaluated by applying various cytokinin analogs having a range of pod set enhancement activity. The increased pod load at the treated nodes was not compensated by a reduction in pod number on the remainder of the plant. However, there was a compensatory decrease in seed size. Overall, a significant trend to greater total seed weight per plant was associated with the increased pod number. Initial evaluations indicated that foliar applications of select cytokinins could temporarily increase pod number. However, the increases in pod number obtained with foliar treatments were too small to be of practical utility and were not maintained to maturity.

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