
AbstractProject META II, a full sky survey for artificial narrow-band signals, has been conducted from one of the two 30-m radiotelescopes of the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía (IAR). The search was performed near the 1420 Mhz line of neutral hydrogen, using a 8.4 million channels Fourier spectrometer of 0.05 Hz resolution and 400 kHz instantaneous bandwidth. The observing frequency was corrected both for motions with respect to three astronomical inertial frames, and for the effect of Earths rotation, which provides a characteristic changing signature for narrow-band signals of extraterrestrial origin. Among the 2 × 1013spectral channels analyzed, 29 extra-statistical narrow-band events were found, exceeding the average threshold of 1.7 × 10−23Wm−2. The strongest signals that survive culling for terrestrial interference lie in or near the galactic plane. A description of the project META II observing scheme and results is made as well as the possible interpretation of the results using the Cordes-Lazio-Sagan model based in interstellar scattering theory.

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