
Introduction. In modern conditions of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, physical culture and sport are the key to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population and are important indicators of the success of the Russians participating in various sports events at various levels. At the same time, the number of people involved in physical education and sports in Russia is insignificant, due to the insufficient level of citizens' legal awareness, the inaccessibility of receiving high-quality services in this area, the underdeveloped infrastructure, and the presence of gaps and conflicts in the legal regulation of this block of public relations. One of the ways to solve these problems is to develop a system of sources of legal regulation of sports relations. Purpose. Based on the studied sources of legal impact on sports relations in Russia and foreign countries, theoretical developments and materials of judicial practice, the authors attempted to form a model of legal regulation of sports relations. Methodology. The authors in the process of writing the article used formal legal, logical, systemic and comparative legal methods. Results. A study of existing sources of Russian and foreign law governing sports relations suggests the presence of a complex multi-level system of legal regulation. The state level of legal impact is represented by a set of regulatory legal acts, which are formal sources of regulation of sports relations. The non-state level includes customs, unified rules, other recommendatory acts, as well as local and contractual norms created by the participants in sports relations themselves, taking into account the specifics of the relations established between them. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of various sources regulating relations in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia and foreign countries, the authors propose a model of legal regulation of sports relations in the Russian Federation, which is a multi-level system of sources of state and non-state influence on the behavior of participants in these relations. It is concluded that it is necessary to expand the dispositive principles in the system of legal regulation of sports relations through the active use of such regulators as local and contractual rulemaking, as well as other forms of non-state influence on the behavior of participants in these relations.

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