
Introduction. One of the most important aspects of the functioning of modern regional international integration organizations is the activity of their executive and regulatory bodies in cooperation with national competent authorities. This is especially relevant in the process of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union and the development of the legal order of this integration association. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to study and analyze the most important aspects of the activities of the Eurasian economic Commission in the context of interaction with national regulatory authorities. Methodology. The study used both General scientific methods of cognition - analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, and private law methods (formal legal, technical-legal, and the method of legal analogy). Results. The article reveals the specifics of the legal status of the Eurasian Economic Commission as the main regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union, its specificity in the context of a set of supranational powers, largely due to which the integration processes within the Union are developing. Conclusion. The conclusions made as a result of the study can be used in relation to the improvement and development of the legal systems of international organizations of regional integration with the participation of the Russian Federation, in particular, the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the process of interaction of national government bodies with the Eurasian Economic Commission.

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