
Ascorbic acid commonly known as Vitamin C and it is water soluble vitamin having Antioxidant characteristics, abound in nature and highly labile.it is very important Vitamin for biosynthesis of collagen, carnitine and neurotransmitters. Some plants and animals synthesised this Vitamin but human, apes and some other are not able to synthesis this Vitamin due to lack of Gulonolactone oxidase enzyme. So, this Vitamin is supplemented by outer source like fruit, vegetable and synthetic pharmaceutical products. The current US recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for Ascorbic acid is 100-120 mg/day. Ascorbic acid has many biochemical functions like Antioxidant, Anti-antherogenic, Anti-carcinogenic, immunodulator and its preventing cold. It’s also associated with reduction of incidence of cancer, immunity, blood pressure, drug metabolism and urinary hydroxyproline excretion, tissue regeneration. Mainly it shows effective result in gastric cancer. Ascorbic acid decreases the death risk. Now day, This Vitamin is used in nutraceutical in human biology and health. Keywords: Ascorbic acid, Gulonolactone oxidase, antiantherogenic.

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