
The problem of malnutrition in pregnant women can cause low birth weight babies (LBW) and malnutrition in toddlers, including stunting (Kemenkes RI, 2018). Stunting can occur as a result of malnutrition, especiallly at 1000 HPK. Fulfillment of nutrition and health services for pregnant women needs attention to prevent stunting. Tackling stunting is a shared responsibility, not only the government but also every Indonesian family, because stunting in the long term has a bad impact not onlyon children’s growth and development but also on emotional development which result in economic losses. Woman as family members as wellas other family members have duties and functions to support family life. In line with the increasing number of areas of life in society and the increasingly heavy burden of the family’s economy, the role of women in society and the family becomes very important, including in child care at home. The activity was attended by 30 members of the Women’s Organizational Movement at the KPRI Hikmah Building, Ministry Of Religion, Kendal Regency, with a very good response shown by the presence of several questions in the discussion. From this frame of mind, we from the STIKES Muhammadiyah Kendal community service team approached members of the women’s organization movement in order to provide education and knowledge of child care patterns as an effort to prevent stunting in Kendal Regency.

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