
Some Translations - 1. Clarendon Translations.—Euripides: Hecuba, by J. T. Sheppard; Medea, by F. L. Lucas; Alcestis, by H. Kynaston. Sophocles: Antigone, by R. Whitelaw. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Paper, is. net each. - 2. The Odyssey. Translated by SirWilliam Marris. Pp. 438. Oxford University Press. 8s. 6d. net. - 3. Aeschylus; Eumenides. Translated into Rhyming Verse, with Introduction and Notes, by Gilbert Murray. Pp. xiii + 63. London: George Allen and Unwin. Cloth, 2s. net. - 4. Choric Songs from Aeschylus, selected from ‘The Persians,’ ‘The Seven against Thebes,’ and ‘Prometheus Bound,’ with a translation in English Rhythm. By E. S. Hoernle, I.C.S. Pp. 27 + 60. Oxford: Blackwell. Boards, 5s. net. - 5. Catullus LXIV. Translated into English verse by C. P. L. Dennis. Pp. 18. London: Burns Oates and Washbourne. Paper, is. 3d. - 6. Catullus in English Poetry. By Eleanor Shipley Duckett. Pp. vii + 101. Smith College Classical Studies. Northampton, Massachusetts. Paper, 75 cents. - 7. Catullus—The Complete Poems. By F. A. Wright. Pp. 89 + 155. Broadway Translations. George Routledge and Sons, Ltd. 12s. 6d. net. - 8. The Poems of Catullus done into English Verse. By Hugh Macnaghten. Cambridge University Press. 5s. net. - 9. The Odes of Horace done into English Verse. By Hugh Macnaghten. Cambridge University Press. 7s. 6d. net. - Volume 41 Issue 2

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