
The Oresteia of Aeschylus. Translated by R. C. Trevelyan. Pp.154. Liverpool University Press: Hodder & Stoughton, 1922. 5s. - Four Plays of Aeschylus: the Suppliant Maidens, the Persians, the Seven against Thebes, Prometheus Bound. Rendered into English verse by G. M. Cookson. Pp. 212. Oxford: Blackwell, 1922. - The Oedipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. Translated by J. T. Sheppard. Pp. 48. Cambridge University Press, 1922. 2s. - The Cyclops. Freely translated and adapted for performance in English from the satyric drama of Euripides. By J. T. Sheppard. Pp. 27. Cambridge University Press, 1923. 1s. - The Ecclesiazusae of Aristophanes. Translated into corresponding metres by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. Pp. 85. G. Bell & Sons, 1923. Paper, 2s.; cloth, 3s. 6d. - Amaranth and Asphodel: poems from the Greek Anthology, done into English verse by A. J. Butler. Pp. xxi + 278. Oxford: Blackwell, 1922. 10s. 6d. - The Soul of the Anthology. By William Cranston Lawton. Pp. xii + 179. Yale University Press, and Oxford University Press, 1923. 12s. 6d. - Volume 44 Issue 2

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