
Verotoxin-producing Esherichia coli (VTEC) is one of six pathogenicity groups of Eschericha coli. The reservoir for VTEC is the intestinal tract of domestic animals, primarily ruminants. Investigations in our geographic region have also demonstrated that domestic animals are a significant VTEC reservoir. In spite of this, sporadic diseases in humans caused by these agents are rare, and no epidemics have been registered so far. The question is, therefore, what percentage of VTEC isolated in our region have the characteristics of enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) which cause intestinal diseases in humans. The aim of this study was to test the isolated bovine strains for some phenotypic and genotypic traits and to determine the percent of strains that belong to EHEC. A total of 105 VTEC strains isolated from cattle were tested for the presence of verotoxin (vtx) genes by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. All of them possessed one or more vtx genes. In accordance with our investigations, only four (3.8%) strains, of a total of 105 VTEC strains belong to groups of EHEC. It may be concluded that the majority of strains isolated from cattle in this part of the world do not have phenotypic traits typical for EHEC. Therefore human VTEC associated diseases in Serbia are rare, despite the fact that domestic animals frequently harbor VTEC.


  • Verocitotoksi~na Escherichia coli (VTEC) jedna je od 6 grupa patogenih bakterija ove vrste, uzro~nika crevnih zaraznih bolesti ljudi iivotinja

  • Lazi} i sar.: Karakteristike sojeva verocitotoksin produkuju}ih Escherichia coli izolovanih iz goveda i grupa sojeva sa vtx[1] (p

  • Moe se zaklju~iti da ve}ina Verocitotoksi~na Escherichia coli (VTEC) izolovanih iz intestinalnog trakta goveda na na{em geografskom podru~ju nema osobine sojeva patogenih za ljude – enterohemoragijskih E. coli, te su stoga oboljenja kod ljudi izazvana VTEC kod nas retka i pored toga {to doma}eivotinje predstavljaju znatan rezevoar ovih agensa

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Verocitotoksi~na Escherichia coli (VTEC) jedna je od 6 grupa patogenih bakterija ove vrste, uzro~nika crevnih zaraznih bolesti ljudi iivotinja. Lazi} i sar.: Karakteristike sojeva verocitotoksin produkuju}ih Escherichia coli izolovanih iz goveda tinalnog trakta goveda na na{em geografskom podru~ju, nema osobine sojeva patogenih za ljude – enterohemoragijskih E. coli, te su stoga oboljenja kod ljudi izazvana VTEC kod nas retka i pored toga {to doma}eivotinje predstavljaju znatan rezevoar ovih agensa. Klju~ne re~i: Verocitotoksin, Eschericha coli, VTEC, EHEC, PCR, goveda

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