
A new group of pathogenic agents has appeared in the last 20 years -verotoxin-producing Escherichiae coli (VTEC), which cause increasing numbers of intestinal diseases in humans and animals. The reservoir for VTEC is the intestinal tract of domestic animals, primarily ruminants. It is believed that cattle are the principal reservoir for VTEC, because the biggest number of epidemics caused by these bacteria occurred through ground beef (hamburgers). Swine are also a significant factor of VTEC infections in humans, but these pathogenic agents are more frequently isolated from diseased animals than healthy ones, and most often from swine with a clinical picture of an endemic disease. Investigations in our geographic region have also demonstrated that domestic animals are a significant VTEC reservoir. In spite of this, sporadic diseases in humans caused by these agents are rare, and no epidemics have been registered so far. Such a characteristic of VTEC infections in our country imposes the need for further epidemiological and epizootiological research.


  • Poslednjih dvadeset godina pojavila se nova grupa patogenih agensa-verotoksi~ne Escherichiae coli (VTEC), koji uzrokuju sve ve}i broj crevnih zaraznih bolesti ljudi iivotinja Rezervoar VTEC je intestinalni trakt doma}ihivotinja, pre svega preivara

  • Podaci iz ovog istraivanja o u~estalosti izolacije VTEC kod teladi u uzrastu od jednog dana (6,1%), kao i podaci iz istraivanja u [paniji Š301 o infekciji izazvanoj ovim agensima kod jedinki u uzrastu od jednog do sedam dana, ukazuju da do infekcija izazvanih verotoksi~nom E. coli goveda moe da nastane neposredno posle ro|enja

  • Lazi} i sar: Verotoksi~na Escherichia coli – patogeni agens koji ugroava zdravljeivotinja i ljudi

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Poslednjih dvadeset godina pojavila se nova grupa patogenih agensa-verotoksi~ne Escherichiae coli (VTEC), koji uzrokuju sve ve}i broj crevnih zaraznih bolesti ljudi iivotinja Rezervoar VTEC je intestinalni trakt doma}ihivotinja, pre svega preivara. Verotoksi~na Escherichia coli (VTEC) jedna je od {est grupa patogenih bakterija ove vrste, uzro~nika crevnih zaraznih bolesti ljudi iivotinja. Lazi} i sar: Verotoksi~na Escherichia coli – patogeni agens koji ugroava zdravljeivotinja i ljudi toksin filtrata kultura nekih sojeva E. coli ispoljava citotoksi~no dejstvo na }elije Vero kulture tkiva Š11.

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