
Selye published his famous theory of the stress in Nature in 1936. For the stress motto is the inscription at the main entrance of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery (Montreal): “Neither the prestige of your subject, and the power of your instruments, nor the extent of your learned¬ness and the precision of your planning, can substitute for the originality of your approach and the keenness of your observation.” The stress in the human organism is a perturbation. This perturbation is regulates by negative feedback. All physiological parameters characterizing the organism oscillate between a minimum and maximum value. The stress is properly a general adaptational answer rised under the influence of some stressor, with characteristic but not specific changes. The organism can, in general, get along namely by switching on also another regulatory mechanism for the convienent control of the altered physiological parameter. All these surplus regulations need excees-energy from the side of the organism, contribute to wear it and for this very reason accelerate the process, of aging. We use the Le-Chatelier principle and determine the measure of psychical organization. For the all laboratorial parameters exists five zones: optimum (1), admissible (2a., 2b.), dangerous (3a., 3b.), inactivity (4a., 4b.) and inviability (5a., 5b.). As a conclusion, the present medical science reserves the word perinormal for naming biophysical, biochemical and physiological responses in a wide range that warn us referring to the existence of mainly quantitative or reversible qualitative changes and the possibility of irreversibly pathological qualitative alterations. We presented of the biophysical modeling of the creativity and talk over the psychological balance of the man.

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