
We prove two new results for Seshadri constants on surfaces of general type. Let X be a surface of general type. In the first part, inspired by Bauer and Szemberg (Manuscripta Math 126(2):167–175, 2008), we list the possible values for the multi-point Seshadri constant $$\varepsilon (K_X,x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_r)$$ when it lies between 0 and 1/r, where $$K_X$$ is the canonical line bundle on X. In the second part, we assume X of the form $$C \times C$$ , where C is a general smooth curve of genus $$g \geqslant 2$$ . Given such X and an ample line bundle L on X with some conditions on it, we show that the global Seshadri constant of L is a rational number.

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