
Let $X$ be a smooth variety and let $L$ be an ample line bundle on $X$. If $\pi^{alg}_{1}(X)$ is large, we show that the Seshadri constant $\epsilon(p^{*}L)$ can be made arbitrarily large by passing to a finite etale cover $p:X'\rightarrow X$. This result answers affirmatively a conjecture of J.-M. Hwang. Moreover, we prove an analogous result when $\pi_{1}(X)$ is large and residually finite. Finally, under the same topological assumptions, we appropriately generalize these results to the case of big and nef line bundles. More precisely, given a big and nef line bundle $L$ on $X$ and a positive number $N>0$, we show that there exists a finite etale cover $p: X'\rightarrow X$ such that the Seshadri constant $\epsilon(p^{*}L; x)\geq N$ for any $x\notin p^{*}\textbf{B}_{+}(L)=\textbf{B}_{+}(p^{*}L)$, where $\textbf{B}_{+}(L)$ is the augmented base locus of $L$.

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