
An advanced university methodology is a response to modern general and particular didactic challenges that is conditioned by an effective and indisputable exploitation of modern methodological resources. Incorporating recent data from socio-psycho-pedagogical research, the current university methodology, in addition to classic, traditional strategies and methods, includes modern strategies and methods of teaching-learning-evaluation, but especially new ways of exploring the best-known traditional methods: the debate , heuristic conversation, problematization, case study, etc. and other methods of individual investigation and indirect exploration. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of professional thinking styles on legal teaching and training methods in law schools. In this article, we define what teaching methods are, explore new types of teaching methods, review the benefits of these methods, and offer some tips for doing so successfully. We summarize the literature and recent thinking on the role, form and practices of modern university teaching in the digital age.

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