
In this study protein, fat and water in the foods consumed by the Prophet in his daily life were analyzed. For this purpose, meat and milk were prepared from protein-based foods, olive oil from fats, and water from nutrients by analyzing basic Islamic history, al-sīrah al-nabawiyyah sources and the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The method of this study is to analyze the Prophet’s diet from the perspective of contemporary concepts of nutrition. The concept of nutrition refers to the proper use of nutrients to maintain a healthy life. Foods are made up of the basic nutrients of: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. These building blocks are present in food in varying amounts. Fat, as an energy store, provides the body with energy. While some vitamins are taken into the body with fat, fat is essential for the production of some hormones that keep the body functioning properly. Water, another nutrient found in food, is essential for digesting nutrients, transporting them to the tissues, and removing waste and excess heat generated by the cells. As a conclusion, based on historical records, it can be said that the Prophet consumed meat and milk from protein-based foods, olive oil from fats, and water as a nutrient in a balanced way in his daily life within the framework of the possibilities of the period in which he lived. In conclusion, protein, fat and water were also included in the Prophet’s diet.

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