
We report on structural and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results from the Upper Miocene sediments of the Amantea basin, located on the Tyrrhenian coast of the Calabrian Arc (Southern Italy). The stratigraphic succession of the basin is organized in three depositional sequences, separated by two major angular unconformities. Detailed geological mapping and structural analysis demonstrate that the stratigraphic evolution of the Amantea basin is strongly controlled by a synsedimentary extensional tectonic regime. Several NNE-SSW-trending normal fault arrays with large scatter in inclination values have been interpreted as due to a domino faulting mechanism, consistent with a WNW-ESE stretching direction. AMS data have been obtained for 13 sites, both in the not constrained in age first depositional sequence (3 sites), and in the upper Tortonian-lower Messinian clays from the second depositional sequence (10 sites). All the sites show a strong magnetic foliation parallel to the bedding planes, and a well defined magnetic lineation subparallel to the local bedding dip directions. The magnetic lineations cluster around a WNW-ESE trend and are parallel to the stretching directions inferred by fault-slip analysis and basin architecture. These new data then confirm the possibility to use the magnetic lineation to map the strain trajectory in weakly deformed extensional sedimentary basins. Paleomagnetic data (from previous studies) show that the whole Calabrian block underwent a 15°–20° clockwise rotation probably in the Pleistocene, postdating the extensional tectonic events which controlled the Amantea basin geometry. Therefore we suggest for the Amantea basin an original E-W-oriented stretching direction, which may be considered as the older extensional direction characterizing the Late Miocene evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian Sea domain.

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