
<p><span>The study sheds light on serious crimes of genocide level that the military, paramilitary armed forces and police of the FRY and Serbia have committed in Kosovo, with special emphasis the village of Izbicë in the municipality of Skenderaj. Archival documents, scientific literature as well as interviews in the field, which I have analyzed, treated and carried out during the scientific researches, have clearly proven that the scale of crimes against the civilian population increased in 1999, specifically from the month of March, when the OSCE observers began to withdraw from the field. Released from the pressure of international observers, numerous Serbian military, police and paramilitary forces began actions against the Albanian civilian population throughout Kosova, but the greatest intensity was in Drenica where all age groups and both sexes were not spared, showing strong evidence that Serbia as a state has committed crimes against the civilian population, respectively against children, women and the elderly, such was the massacre in the village of Izbicë where Serbian forces killed, executed, massacred in in a few days 147 Albanian civilians.</span></p><p><span><strong>Keywords: </strong>Drenica, Izbica, Albanian civilians, Serbian military, police and paramilitary forces.</span></p>

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