
Equations have been developed for estimating the temperature rise, caused by the absorption of radiant energy, of a small volume element of cool gas or of a liquid droplet moving along the axis of a cylindrical chamber. The absorbing material was assumed to move with constant velocity and to be surrounded at all times by hot radiating gases distributed uniformly throughout the cylindrical chamber. A sample calculation has been carried out for an absorbing volume element of gas moving with a linear velocity of 1.15×104 cm/sec. through a cylindrical chamber (30 cm in length and 14 cm in diameter) filled uniformly with graybody emitters at 3000°K and 20 atmos. pressure. The mass emissivity of the radiating gases was chosen to be 40 sq. cm/g. The upper limit for the temperature rise of the moving gases, caused by the absorption of radiant energy, was found to be about 100°K for the chosen conditions.

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