
SUMMARYGenomic changes in Pinus laricio were observed affecting a terminal bud which stops its growth thereby stimulating supernumerary lateral bud production. The changes which occur in the bud meristem results in a compact branch able to produce small ovulate cones, but it never produces pollen cones. Nevertheless sexual reproduction occurs and this genomic change can be transmitted by seeds. In the present study root meristematic nuclei in P. laricio plants grown from seeds with genomic variation and root meristematic nuclei from normal control plants were considered. Significant differences in DNA amount (pg), histones/DNA ratio and nuclear volume against a constant chromosome number (2n = 24) were found. Since in Pinus similar intraspecific differences are reported in litterature, the question arises about the evolution of Gymnosperm chromosomes. In this context the reported results seem to indicate that rapid genetic changes might have a role in the genus evolution.

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