
Container Stowage Problem (CSP) is a problem of containers arrangement into ships by considering rules such as: total weight, weight of one stack, destination, equilibrium, and placement of containers on vessel. Container stowage problem is combinatorial problem and hard to solve with enumeration technique. It is an NP-Hard Problem. Therefore, to find a solution, metaheuristics is preferred. The objective of solving the problem is to minimize the amount of shifting such that the unloading time is minimized. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is proposed to solve the problem. The implementation of PSO is combined with some steps which are stack position change rules, stack changes based on destination, and stack changes based on the weight type of the stacks (light, medium, and heavy). The proposed method was applied on five different cases. The results were compared to Bee Swarm Optimization (BSO) and heuristics method. PSO provided mean of 0.87% gap and time gap of 60 second. While BSO provided mean of 2,98% gap and 459,6 second to the heuristcs.

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