This paper presents an application of the simulated annealing algorithm to solve level schedules in mixed model assembly line. Solving production sequences with both number of setups and material usage rates to the minimum rate will optimize the level schedule. Miltenburg algorithm (1989) is first used to get seed sequence to optimize further. For this the utility time of the line and setup time requirement on each station is considered. This seed sequence is optimized by simulated annealing. This investigation helps to understand the importance of utility in the assembly line. Up to 15 product sequences are taken and constructed by using randomizing method and find the objective function value for this. For a sequence optimization, a meta-heuristic seems much more promising to guide the search into feasible regions of the solution space. Simulated annealing is a stochastic local search meta-heuristic, which bases the acceptance of a modified neighboring solution on a probabilistic scheme inspired by thermal processes for obtaining low-energy states in heat baths. Experimental results show that the simulated annealing approach is favorable and competitive compared to Miltenburg’s constructive algorithm for the problems set considered. It is proposed to found 16,985 solutions, the time taken for computation is 23.47 to 130.35, and the simulated annealing improves 49.33% than Miltenberg.
Mixed Model Assembly Line (MMAL) sequencing is a problem of determining a sequence of the product mod-How to cite this paper: Ramalingam, S. and Subramanian, R.A. (2016) Solving Level Scheduling in Mixed Model Assembly Line by Simulated Annealing Method
We study the various types mixed model assembly application, problems and solutions
The various heuristic methods based on simulated annealing have been studied for solving production sequence in level schedule optimization problem
Mixed Model Assembly Line (MMAL) sequencing is a problem of determining a sequence of the product mod-. (2016) Solving Level Scheduling in Mixed Model Assembly Line by Simulated Annealing Method. Level scheduling problem in a mixed model assembly line is a famous approach for resulting short term sequence to facilitate a just-in-time supply. To implement effective utilization of the mixed model assembly line the following objective functions are to be solved. Determination of line cycle times; Determination of the number and sequence of station on the line; Line balancing; Determination of sequencing scheduling for producing different products on the line. In mixed model assembly line, it requires production sequence to solve the following objectives; Determination of cycle time; Determination of work in process; Determination of effective utilization; Determination of setup time; Determination of make span. The utility and setup has been taken as objective function value to optimize the level schedules in JIT production sequence.
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