
We present a formalism for solving the scalar Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE) in the nondiffusive regime under the ladder approximation and for an infinite randomly scattering medium having scatterers of size on the order of or larger than the wavelength. We compare the information content in a wave transport model (the BSE) with that in energy-based transport, the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE), in the spatial frequency domain. Our results suggest that when absorption dominates scatter, the intensity Green’s function from a BTE model is similar to the field correlation Green’s function from a BSE solution. When scatter dominates loss, there are significant differences between the BTE and BSE representations, and the BTE solutions appear to be smoothed versions of those from the BSE. Therefore, field correlation measurements, perhaps extracted from intensity correlations over frequency and space, offer significantly more information than a mean-intensity measurement in the weakly scattering and nondiffusive regime. Our work provides a mathematical framework for electric field correlation-based imaging methods based on the BSE that hold promise in, for example, near-surface tissue imaging.

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