
A numerical boundary integral scheme is proposed for the solution of the system of field equations of plane, linear elasticity in stresses for homogeneous, isotropic media in the domain bounded by an ellipse under mixed boundary conditions. The stresses are prescribed on one half of the ellipse, while the displacements are given on the other half. The method relies on previous analytical work within the Boundary Integral Method [1] , [2] . The considered problem with mixed boundary conditions is replaced by two subproblems with homogeneous boundary conditions, one of each type, having a common solution. The equations are reduced to a system of boundary integral equations, which is then discretized in the usual way and the problem at this stage is reduced to the solution of a rectangular linear system of algebraic equations. The unknowns in this system of equations are the boundary values of four harmonic functions which define the full elastic solution inside the domain, and the unknown boundary values of stresses or displacements on proper parts of the boundary. On the basis of the obtained results, it is inferred that the tangential stress component on the fixed part of the boundary has a singularity at each of the two separation points, thought to be of logarithmic type. A tentative form for the singular solution is proposed to calculate the full solution in bulk directly from the given boundary conditions using the well-known Boundary Collocation Method. It is shown that this addition substantially decreases the error in satisfying the boundary conditions on some interval not containing the singular points. The obtained results are discussed and boundary curves for unknown functions are provided, as well as three-dimensional plots for quantities of practical interest. The efficiency of the used numerical schemes is discussed, in what concerns the number of boundary nodes needed to calculate the approximate solution.

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