
A detailed study was undertaken to investigate the effect of ZDDP oil solution chemistry changes due to thermal decomposition, on antiwear and thermal film chemistries, film thickness and wear. P and S K- and L-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopies were used to characterize film chemistry, and 31-P NMR spectroscopy was used to monitor the ZDDP oil solution chemistry. P L-edge XANES results of antiwear films prepared from ZDDP oil solutions preheated at 150°C for various lengths of time, showed a decrease in polyphosphate chain length as ZDDP thermal solution decomposition progressed. Film thickness and wear increased with increasing ZDDP oil solution preheating time (decomposition). Antiwear films formed from ZDDP oil solutions preheated at a higher temperature (200°C) for 1 and 3 h, yielded thinner films and showed catastrophic wear. 31-P NMR spectra showed that no oil soluble P containing species were left in solution after heating at 200°C for 1 h and yet the 200°C, 6 h antiwear film was found to be as thick as that generated from previously unheated solution. Wear was comparable to that obtained by using base oil alone. These films were found to be of short chain polyphosphate structure. ZDDP oil solution chemistry was also shown to have an effect on the chemistry of thermally generated films. Film chemistry changed with ZDDP oil solution heating time. A linkage isomer of ZDDP is proposed as an important precursor for film formation after analysis and comparison of an oil insoluble ZDDP decomposition product with the thermal and antiwear film chemistries. As with the related antiwear films, thermal film thickness was also shown to increase dramatically when ZDDP decomposition in solution increased. An overall mechanism for film formation, taking into account the ZDDP linkage isomer and the deposition of colloidal polyphosphate material, is proposed.

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