
In recent years, the flow of solid wastes in all over the world has been increasing. There is no question, that, this trend poses ever-increasing problems for society. Already, many cities are having trouble in disposing of mounting heaps of trash. Neighboring areas are reluctant to serve as the cities dumps and locations, that are suitable for land fill operations are getting scarce. Other methods of waste disposal are now recognized to create problems of their own. Burning garbage pollutes the air, while treatment of liquid wastes leaves sludge, which must be disposed of. Moreover, dumping wastes into the ocean and other water bodies is not costless to society; sludge dumped in to the sea can kill or contaminate marine life and pollute nearby waters and beaches. The changing composition of solid wastes also adds to the problem of disposal. For example, plastics, (which are non-degradable and often have harmful combustion properties) make up an increasing percentage of solid wastes. All in all the problem of solid waste disposal can hardly be viewed with equanimity, ie, it surely represents a major environmental problems, that is likely to grow worse`. Economic growth leads to urbanization and urbanization leads to environmental waste pollution. The proper and efficient way of handling the waste materials requires a good deal of total sanitation and public awareness programmes. Public should be aware of the necessity of hygienic disposal of wastes generated. It is really a matter of great concern for the present however, because, waste generation seems increasing, in spite of local and global agendas to curb it, and because it directly impacts resources, environment, health, welfare etc.

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