
Alkali amphibole of rare compositions occurs as a rock-forming mineral in a high-Si phlogopite lamproite from Kvaloya, northern Norway. The amphibole typically occurs as small grains forming irregular and rosette-shaped aggregates in a matrix dominated by Fe-rich K-feldspar and quartz. Amphibole shows compositions ranging between the three limiting compositions: A : A,B ( K 1.01 Na 1.99 ) C ( Na 0.26 Mg 1.58 Mn 0.03 Fe 2 + 0.91 Fe 3 + 1.6 Ti 0.47 □ 0.13 ) T Si 8 O 22 W [ F 0.97 O 1.03 ] B : A,B ( KNa 2 ) C ( Na 0.04 Mg 1.04 Mn 0.22 Fe 2 + 0.65 Fe 3 + 2.07 Ti 0.25 □ 0.7 ) T Si 8 O 22 W [ F 0.68 Cl 0.01 O 0.13 ( OH ) 1.18 ] C : A,B ( K 0.9 Na 2.1 ) C ( Na 0.04 Mg 3.54 Mn 0.02 Fe 2 + 0.28 Fe 3 + 1.04 Ti 0.03 □ 0.02 ) T Si 8 O 22 W [ F 1.34 O 0.06 ( OH ) 0.6 ] Composition C shows significant content of fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, while composition A is a Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ and C Na rich variety of potassic-obertiite. Composition B is characterized by an exceptional high value of C □. It is emphasized that the presence of C □ and C Na in amphibole needs to be confirmed by other methods. The relationship between W O 2− , C □,Ti 4+ and Fe 3+ of amphibole can be expressed by the following exchange operators, choosing potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite [KNa 2 (Mg 4 Fe 3+ )Si 8 O 22 (OH) 2 ] as the additive component: Ti 4 + Mg 2 + − 1 H + − 2 Fe 3 + Mg 2 + − 1 H + − 1 Ti 4 + □ Mg 2 + − 2 Fe 3 + 2 □ Mg 2 + − 3 The two first exchange operators result in deprotonation of OH, while the two others result in the formation of vacancies on the C sites. The presence of amphibole both in the lamproite and in the adjacent fenitized granite suggests that the mineral formed during reactions between rock and fluids derived from the volatile-rich lamproite magma. Possibly, amphibole core (composition A and B), formed in equilibrium with the fluid phase during crystallization of the melt, while amphibole rim (composition C) formed during subsequent mineral-fluid reactions. Presence of hematite in the lamproite matrix in addition to oxo-amphibole indicates that the rock formed during highly oxidizing conditions.

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