
Future Combat Systems (FCS) and Future Force Warrior (FFW) will rely on unattended, tactical sensors to detect and identify enemy targets to avoid enemy fires and enable precise networked fire to survive on the future battlefield with less armor protection. Successful implementation of these sensor fields requires a communications network infrastructure to disseminate sensor data and provide relevant and accurate situational awareness information to the tactical common operating picture. Networked Sensors for the Future Force (NSFF) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) Communications is realizing this capability with advanced communications technologies developed under the Soldier Level Integrated Communications Environment (SLICE) Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) project. These technologies include robust, self-organizing/healing networking protocols, energy management techniques, and secure, jam resistant radio equipment for a significantly enhanced communications capability that will transition to the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS). CERDEC laboratory and field demonstrations in 2004 will be reviewed to show early SRW development in preparation for the NSFF ATD as well as development of affordable systems for disposable sensor applications.

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