
A novel solar filament detection method based on an improved DeepLab V3+ is proposed to address the low detection accuracy of small solar filaments in Hα full-disk solar images. First, the Xception structure of the backbone network is fine-tuned, and the low-level feature information of the filaments is added to the decoder module of the network to improve the utilization of the solar filament features. Second, the receptive field of dilated convolution is expanded, and the information utilization rate is increased via cascaded dilated convolution to improve the detection accuracy of the small solar filaments. In the decoder module, two depthwise separable convolutions are used instead of ordinary convolutions to reduce incomplete detections. Finally, a dense conditional random field is added to optimize the edge of the detection results. Experiments on a public data set comprising full-disk Hα images show that compared with the original Deeplab V3+ algorithm, the proposed method improves the mean pixel accuracy, mean intersection over union, and F1-score by 1.86%, 1.95%, and 2.18%, respectively, which also demonstrates its superiority over other existing solar filament detection algorithms.

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