
The aim of the work is to identify the species composition of aranei fauna and quantitative ratio of soil spiders in the parks of Samara in different seasons. The paper contains the results of the study of spider fauna in six parks of Samara. The author has used the original material collected in Samara from May to October 20022006. The author has identified 3081 individuals from 17 families of spiders. 77 spider species from 54 genera and 17 family have been found, it is 80% of the list of species of ground tier Samara spiders. Species range from 19 to 33 in each park. In the studied parks Linyphiidae family, Lycosidae and Gnaphosidae dominate in the number of species. The analysis of the number of spider species in different seasons of the year showed a gradual decline of species diversity from spring to autumn. According to Jaccard index, each of the studied fauna of spiders has a distinct originality. Only 4 species are present in all parks (Diplostyla concolor (Wider, 1834), Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer, 1802), Trochosa ruricola (De Geer, 1778) и Tr. terricola (Thorell, 1856).


  • The paper contains the results of the study of spider fauna

  • used the original material collected in Samara from May

  • Gnaphosidae dominate in the number of species

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ФАУНА НАПОЧВЕННЫХ ПАУКОВ (ARACHIDA: ARANEI) ПАРКОВЫХ ЗОН ГОРОДА САМАРЫ Изучена фауна пауков из шести парковых зон города Самары. Обнаружено 77 видов пауков из 54 родов и 17 семейств, что составило 80% от списка видов пауков напочвенного яруса города Самара. Согласно индексу Жаккара, каждая из изученных фаун пауков обладает выраженным своеобразием.

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