
Physical and geochemical properties of six soils developed on tephra from Mts. Kupe and Manengouba were studied in order to assess the degree of weathering of the tephric parent materials. Physico-chemical properties were determined following standard procedures. Total elemental contents and selective extracted contents of Al and Fe by acid ammonium oxalate, dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) and pyrophosphate were determined using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) after being brought into solution. Parent rocks were chemically classified as hawaiite, tephricfoidite, and basanites, while soils were classified as Andosols and Cambisols. Both the soils and parent rocks have high concentrations in SiO2, Al2O3, and Fe2O3. Texture and the evaluated related weathering indices correlate with horizon development and are important in capturing the differences between the two Reference Soil Groups. Mobility of major elements showed erratic trends in conformity with the stratigraphic breaks indicating variability of parent materials with depth. Enrichment and depletion of major elements to a certain degree explains the ongoing andosolization process in the Andosols. Physical and geochemical data can both be used concomitantly for assessment of weathering trends in these soils. Total reserve in bases (TRB) is very high in the Andosols indicating the presence of large quantities of weatherable minerals and thus the high potential of these soils for agricultural production.

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