
Soil samples in disturbed state were taken in order to control fertility and monitor contents of harmful and hazardous substances in Vojvodina soils and possibilities of soil degradation in general. Moderately contaminated soils were selected for examination. Microbial activity in contaminated soil and the impact of harmful and hazardous substances (pesticides) on soil microorganisms were observed and most resistant microorganisms were isolated. Vegetation experiments were organized to study the effect of chelating agents EDTA and EDDS on copper adoption and translocation in rapeseed and sunflower. Importance of some ions in the complexation of copper chelators and their undesirable effects on copper uptake were established. Field trials were organized to study the effect of hydrogel on water uptakes by plants, increase in rate and the increase in rate of removal of hazardous and harmful substances from soil solution. At all phases of the project, we monitored the effectiveness of soil bioremediation soils by means of the application of chelating agents, stimulative preparations such as hydrogel and certain microorganisms. It effectiveness was measured in terms of plant growth rate and intensity in removal of hazardous and harmful substances from contaminated soil.


  • Primena hidrogela nije značajno uticala na osobine zemljišta, zastupljenost mikroorganizama i aktivnost enzima dehidrogenaze, a na zagađenom zemljištu naftom biljke su imale veći habitus usled boljeg vodnog i hranidbenog režima

  • The effectiveness was measured in terms of plant growth rate and intensity in removal of hazardous and harmful substances from contaminated soil. ,FZXPSET: chelates, hydrogels, microorganisms, soils, soil contamination

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Zagađenost zemljišta Južnobačkog okruga opasnim i štetnim materijama

*[WPE U cilju kontrole plodnosti i sagledavanja sadržaja opasnih i štetnih materija u zemljištima Južnobačkog okruga i njegove degradacije (u širem smislu), odabrana su umereno zagađena zemljišta. Praćen je efekat elemenata koji pospešuju i uvećavaju bioremedijaciju zemljišta primenom helatora, stimulativnih preparata tipa hidrogel ili određenih sojeva mikroorganizama u cilju pojačavanja rasta biljaka i povećanog iznošenja opasnih i štetnih materija iz zagađenih zemljišta. Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije prepoznalo je značaj praćenja procesa degradacije zemljišta, njegove popravke i remedijacije, te je finansiralo istraživanja na QSPKFLUVi;BHBʇFOPTU[FNMKJØUBPQBTOJNJØUFUOJN materijama i mogućnost primene različitih metoda remedijacije”, a rezultati su prikazani V PWPN SBEV 0OB QSFETUBWMKBKV NPOJUPSJOH ranijih istraživanja (1992) finansiranih takođe od strane Ministarstva u okviru projekta “Kontrola plodnosti zemljišta i utvrđivanje sadržaja opasnih i štetnih materija u zemljištima Vojvodine” U ovom ciklusu analiziran je Južnobački okrug koji obuhvata južnu Bačku i severni Srem. /BK[BTUVQMKFOJKJ UJQPWJ [FNMKJØUB OB JTQJUJWBOPN području Južnobačkog okruga su černozem, livadska crnica (oglejeni černozem) i aluvijalna zemljišta, LPKB TF OBKʃFØʂF LPSJTUF LBP PSBOJDF /FØJʂ J TBS B /FØJʂFUBMB

Organski i neorganski kontaminanti zemljišta
Mean values MAC
Mikrobiološki procesi u zemljištu i analitika IFSCJDJEB
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