
A description is presented of an information-modeling system developed to help optimize the composition of the charge materials and fluxes in sintering and blast-furnace smelting. The system is based on models that provide for end-to-end accounting of the sintering-machine and blast-furnace charges, calculate the technical-economic indices of blast-furnace smelting (coke rate, productivity) when there are changes in the blast parameters, the properties of the coke, and the composition of the iron-ore-bearing part of the charge, calculate the properties of the primary and secondary slags and the desulfurizing ability of the final slag, predict the sulfur content of the pig iron; model the gasdynamic regime during smelting, and diagnose the course of the smelting operation. The software that has been developed is designed to automate the work station of production personnel in the blast-furnace shop at the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine.

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