
In the age of digital networks and databases, gathering data is no longer a differentiating attribute. Instead, the onus is upon creating knowledge and codifying it into the organizational routine. The central theme of this paper is to offer a systematic knowledge codification routine that embodies specific agent attributes and best re-engineering practices. The knowledge process re-engineering schema is proposed as a routine comprising extraction, transformation, and loading to encompass seeking knowledge inputs, converting them based on context, and codifying knowledge for organizational reuse. Using the organization as the primary unit of analysis, the scope of our discussion explicates an agent-mediated process re-engineering model of knowledge creation and codification. The proposed re-engineering captures the synthetic transformation of data into information, information into explicit knowledge, the use of explicit knowledge as an input to tacit knowledge, and the codification of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge in an attempt to shift the ownership and control of knowledge from the individual to the organization.

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