
Formal education is provided for a segment (children and adolescents) of the society. While workers in the formal sector enjoy professional and continuing education; those in the informal and non-formal sectors of the economy do not have any opportunity of taking part in any form of adult education. Many artisans, professionals and artists display dexterity in their various callings. This act of display may sometimes refer to as tacit knowledge, that is, knowledge that may be difficult to codify except through training of adult learners. If this group of people is not catered for in terms of adult learning, it may be difficult for them to make contributions to economic growth in the society. Therefore, the study entitled “Framework for Codification of Informal and Non-Formal Knowledge and Skills in the Formal Education System in Nigeria” is embarked upon. The purpose of the study is to identify and discuss framework for codification of knowledge and skills in the informal and non-formal sector; and to establish the probable benefit that may be derived from codification of knowledge and skills of informal and non-formal learners. The study was carried out using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Some artisans, professionals and artists were interviewed, using focus group discussion. Respondents were enthusiastic on codification of their knowledge and skills and award of appropriate certificates. Some of the framework identified in the study include: organising literacy competence to complement the tacit knowledge of the recipients; sensitisation of members of the public by the NNCAE; and collaborative efforts between NUC and departments of adult education in universities.

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