
The game of Go is considered one of the most complicated games in the world. One Go game is divided into three stages: the opening, the middle, and the ending stages. Millions of people regularly play Go in countries around the world. The game is played by two players. One is White and another is Black. The players alternate placing one of their stones on an empty intersection of a square grid-patterned game board. The player with more territory wins the game. This paper proposes a soft-computing-based emotional expression mechanism and applies it to the game of computer Go to make Go beginners enjoy watching Go game and keep their tension on the game. First, the knowledge base and rule base of the proposed mechanism are defined by following the standards of the fuzzy markup language. The soft-computing mechanism for Go regional alarm level is responsible for showing the inferred regional alarm level to Go beginners. Based on the inferred board situation, the fuzzy inference mechanisms for emotional pleasure and arousal are responsible for inferring the pleasure degree and arousal degree, respectively. An emotional expression mapping mechanism maps the inferred degree of pleasure and degree of arousal into the emotional expression of the eye robot. The protocol transmission mechanism finally sends the pre-defined protocol to the eye robot via universal serial bus interface to make the eye robot express its emotional motion. From the experimental results, it shows that the eye robot can support Go beginners to have fun and retain their tension while watching or playing a game of Go.

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