
In order to stimulate the development and research in computer Go, several Taiwanese Go players were invited to play against some famous computer Go programs from 2008 to 2011. Those competitions revealed that the ontology model for Go game might resolve problems happened in the competitions. Therefore, this chapter presents a model of knowledge representation including game of Go record ontology and Go board ontology based on fuzzy markup language (FML). An FML-based fuzzy system is also introduced to provide the regional alarm level for a Go beginner or a computer Go program in order to place the stone at the much more appropriate position. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is feasible for computer Go application. Hopefully, advances in the intelligent agent and the FML-based ontology model can provide a significant amount of knowledge to make a progress in computer Go program and achieve as much as computer chess or Chinese chess in the future.KeywordsKnowledge RepresentationFuzzy VariableGame BoardTriangular Membership FunctionCapability Maturity Model IntegrationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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