
The aim of the article is to highlight the potential, relevance and practical value of soft skills as a component of the success of libraries, as well as to outline the algorithm of actions to improve the practical application of extra-professional skills in the multifunctional activities of the library industry; to recognize capabilities and products of soft competencies as urgent in the period of resistance to the Russian invasion and competitive in the digital society environment.
 Research methods are based on the effectiveness of the application of general scientific and special methods, in particular: methods of analysis, synthesis, logical method, terminological analysis, structural and genetic method, system and complex method, aspect analysis, etc.
 Scientific novelty of the study consists in an extended analysis of soft skills elements application in the formation of innovative models of library–user relations, taking into account civilizational challenges, the military state in the country, as well as the emphasis on key aspects of today’s relevance: challenges, categories, needs, approaches and models.
 Main conclusions. The study examines the resourcefulness of soft skills components as integral options of success. Developments and the potential of using skills to increase the pace of trendiness and reveal opportunities in the library industry are considered. It has been proven that the practice and creativity of applying soft skills components in libraries on a permanent and long-term basis are especially relevant during the period of martial law; effectively demanded according to the theory of generations; form a new focus; have substantive leadership in the library and information industry; prevent both professional and industry destructiveness. The above is the significance of the libraries transformation, taking into account library practices and modifications of library activity. Further key priorities are grounded, as well as emphases for overcoming obstacles on the way to the library specialist’s success in the effective application of soft skills are substantiated.

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